STITCH™ is the future of accident reporting. Endorsed by CIMSPA, Swim England and IQL, it’s an industry must-have.

An innovative online platform, STITCH™ captures, collates and aggregates all accident and near-miss data. It provides a live snapshot of KPIs, allowing management to monitor accident trends both locally and nationally, and facility managers to review site trends and avoidable accidents or near misses.

Right Directions provide thorough STITCH™ training for all users, plus ongoing support.

STITCH™ can provide:

  • Accident and near-miss reports
  • Breakdowns based on demographics, injuries, outcomes and preventative action taken
  • Visual and graphical presentation of accident performance for any selected time period, plus additional filtering and data interrogation functions
  • Facility-specific analysis
  • Benchmarking analysis
  • Benchmarking to customer footfall and staff hours ratios for contract, operator and national averages

Would you like to know more about STITCH™ Accident Platform

If you would like our team of experts to help, get in touch today.

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